Thank you for the wildly important work you do. Together, we are the gardeners of the future, growing human beings. There is no manual for this courageously vulnerable outer and inner work of the highest calling. Our consciousness is our curriculum. If we teach who we are, what are our children learning?

Welcome Teachers, Parents, and Caretakers,

Wildheart Seeds Coaching offers a deeply introspective and personalized approach to self-discovery and personal growth to bring awareness and intentionality to the unwritten curriculum of being we bring.

We are at the threshold of an evolution revolution of great remembering: we are spiritual beings having a human experience that is so inextricable interconnected to the great web of life- as above ground, so below right down to the very core of our planet. Just as our Mother Earth’s heart core is currently in the process of completing a cycle and shifting directions, so too are we human beings!

Our collective change of heart grows from the outer driving force of climate change and our own inner crisis of meaning. We can no longer ignore Mother Nature’s call to change with her elevated elemental fury. Nor can we continue to deny our birthright of ethereal exploration into the expansion of our consciousness. This call to change is for our children,

This platform was planted to meet you on your journey to remembering and nurture you along the way. Together, let’s go out- in nature and reconnect with our roots- to go in- to the soils of self to unearth our very own Wildheart Seeds of genius and wisdom. This ever present, innate knowing reveals an inner curriculum that will guide us home to the hearth of our hearts, Let’s begin, together, in community. I am so glad you are here.

Your fellow student of life and inner garden guide,

Jenny Seeds
Founder of Wildheart Seeds

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